[SALT] #general quotes of the day

What are these quotes of the day?
Every day at 6 am and 6 pm CE(S)T the topic text of #general channel on [SALT] Discord server changes.

Here you can submit your own "quotes" and, if approved, will be chosen to be the channel description for 12h.
(You must be logged in to add a message.)

The text is being chosen by random from a pool of unused text. If there is no text remaining, it shuffles the old texts back to being unused and one of the old texts will be chosen.

I will not approve texts which use custom Discord emotes or emotes from Twitch subscription, both of them will not display in the channel description. You can use normal Twitch emotes like Dansgame etc.

You can use links, they are clickable on Discord, please no porn/liveleak sites.

Pending approval (0)


Unused (39)

MessageTimes usedAuthor
F OFF! WHY DON"T U WORK! - Plenyx 2017103Plenyx
I will out-dps you on minstrel chrono103Plenyx
Kevin's arguments are always right102Plenyx
Hey Plenyx, can you chrono tank?98Tairy_Hesticles
:DansGame: YOU DON'T SKIP GACHI :DansGame:98ReemaHD
Are traps gay? They are only 25% gay. - Kevin 2017102Plenyx
But the hacks tho102Plenyx
Dank Memes Make Dank Dreams103Plenyx
Spreadsheet DPS102Plenyx
Gorseval did nothing wrong103Plenyx
Mistakes were made, I give up103Plenyx
Dodging is a dps-loss102Plenyx
"Scourge is helltrash" - MightyTeapot 2017102Plenyx
Can i type here?100NevaDaha
Semicolons are hard, so am I - Plenyx 2017103Plenyx
:sparkling_heart: Happy Birthday Teapot! :sparkling_heart:103NevaDaha
For those on farm week after week100BeeboyCubed
Berserker Meta103Plenyx
Be kind, be safe and enjoy your adventure - MMOINKS 2017103Plenyx
Mostly better than Ele99Toxic_Nicky
Late night map exploration103Plenyx
WvW status: Still dead103Plenyx
Is your dress new? It is so clean!102TarEnethil
I should work, but still online103Plenyx
:rage: :point_right: :door:103Plenyx
The Ultimate necromancer damage hybrid103Plenyx
I'm edgy haHAA101shadow_nin
High APM gameplay103Plenyx
ERP, the best RAIDING tournament ever conducted in a pub in Divinity's Reach95Plenyx
See you in the mists102Plenyx
I like how MightyTeapot doesn't realize that all of his viewers are me on different accounts. Don't believe me? Watch me post this on my other accounts!100Cyhann
:door: :point_left: :rage: :new: :regional_indicator_f: :regional_indicator_a: :regional_indicator_g: :regional_indicator_s:103Plenyx
We move as one circus, but are seperate clowns102TarEnethil
Level 10 Speedrunning103Plenyx
MysticBuilds is a 1v1 tournament like no other!101UK_Paragon
FREE game be grateful that it's a FREE game that's FREE you should buy it just to be grateful for this FREE game because consumers shouldn't be allowed to voice criticism especially against a FREE game103ReemaHD

Used already (9)

MessageTimes usedAuthor
Its dangerous out there, take this! ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一E104Plenyx
Easy first try99Toxic_Nicky
Welcome to mind spike - Deroir 2016104Plenyx
N E C R O M A N C E R104Plenyx
Delusional and Toxic103Plenyx
Xroads memes104Plenyx
Teapot never late103Plenyx
Don't forget to eat your Snicker98MecrBladicus
Follow @MMOINKS on twitter103TarEnethil