Announcing a Google Classroom with weekly PHP tasks
I quite enjoyed my one and only stream when I coded the changer of the text in the main general channel on SALT’s Discord server. I got asked few times if ever I am going to do another coding stream again. I do not have a single idea of what to code, which is simple and manageable to explain in one streaming session. I also don’t want to expose my code (obviously). I may have found a way.
I am starting a Google classroom session. This session is going to be focused on coding in PHP and for complete beginners in coding. It is aimed to provide the first gateway to coding and making your own first program with addition with more difficult tasks. Feel free to message me on Twitch or Discord if you want to join, I will send you the invite code. The sessions are planned to take roughly 30 mins to an hour a week. I am willing to stream and explain some of the exercises live on my stream. The sessions should start on Saturday 5th June 2018. You do not have to be there at the start of the sessions, but it is highly recommended.